How to Train ============ To compute a knowledge graph embedding, first import datasets and set configure parameters for training, then train models and export results. For instance, we write an to train TransE:: import config import numpy as np con = config.Config() #Input training files from benchmarks/FB15K/ folder. con.set_in_path("./benchmarks/FB15K/") con.set_work_threads(4) con.set_train_times(500) con.set_nbatches(100) con.set_alpha(0.001) con.set_margin(1.0) con.set_bern(0) con.set_dimension(50) con.set_ent_neg_rate(1) con.set_rel_neg_rate(0) con.set_opt_method("SGD") #Models will be exported via automatically. con.set_export_files("./res/") #Model parameters will be exported to json files automatically. con.set_out_files("./res/embedding.vec.json") #Initialize experimental settings. con.init() #Set the knowledge embedding model con.set_model(models.TransE) #Train the model. Step 1: Import Datasets ----------------------- We set the path of datasets:: con.set_in_path("benchmarks/FB15K/") We import knowledge graphs from benchmarks/FB15K/ folder. The data consists of three essential files mentioned before - ``train2id.txt`` - ``entity2id.txt`` - ``relation2id.txt`` Validation and test files are required and used to evaluate the training results, However, they are not indispensable for training:: con.set_work_threads(8) Step 2: Set Configure Parameters -------------------------------- We set the parameters, including the data traversing rounds, learning rate, batch size, and dimensions of entity and relation embeddings:: con.set_train_times(500) con.set_nbatches(100) con.set_alpha(0.5) con.set_dimension(200) con.set_margin(1) For negative sampling, we can corrupt entities and relations to construct negative triples. ``set_bern(0)`` will use the traditional sampling method, and ``set_bern(1)`` will use the method in (Wang et al. 2014) denoted as "bern". We can select a proper gradient descent optimization algorithm to train models:: con.set_optimizer("SGD") Step 3: Export Results ---------------------- Models will be exported via ```` automatically every few rounds. Also, model parameters will be exported to json files finally:: con.set_export_files("./res/") con.set_out_files("./res/embedding.vec.json") Step 4: Train Models -------------------- We set the knowledge graph embedding model and start the training process:: con.init() con.set_model(models.TransE)